Do you want to upgrade to it=Vτlaties modificτt lεdz vi≥ai
Ready to update=Gatavs modifikΓcijai
Local Folder=VietτjΓ mape
Software Update=Programmas modifikΓcija
Downloading %s=LejuplΓde %s
Update Description=ModifikΓcijas apraksts
Update Comment=ModifikΓcijas komentΓrs
Update Type=ModifikΓcijas tips
Product Description=Produkta apraksts
Product Copyright=Produkta autortiesεbas
Product Comment=Produkta komentΓrs
Preview version - Only for testing purposes=Pie≥em≡anas versija, tikai testτ≡anai
Beta release=Beta versija
Final release=Beigu versija
// report wizard
Report wizard=Atskai≡u veidnis
Remote Report wizard=AttΓlinΓto atskai≡u veidnis
Quick Report=┬trΓ atskaite
Remote Report=AttΓlinΓtΓ atskaite
Welcome to the Report wizard=Laipni l√gti atskai≡u veidnε
This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=╨eit J√s varτsiet uztaisεt atskaiti par savu datoru.
After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=Pτc ≡ε veid≥a pabeig≡anas J√s varτsiet atskaiti izdrukΓt, saglabΓt failΓ vai aizs√tεt iek≡ e-pasta.
Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=L√dz mτ∞iniet samazinΓt informΓciju atskaitτ, lai izvairεtos no apjomεgΓm atskaitτm.
You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=J√s varat sekmτt programmas attεstεbu s√tot atskai≡u failus par da■Γdiem datoriem programmas autoram:
To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=Lai garantτti atskaitτ neiek∩autu personεgu vai konfidenciΓlu informΓciju, izvτlieties profilu "Sada∩as par aparat√ru"
Report Profiles=Atskai≡u profili
Please choose a desired report layout profile:=Izvτlieties vajadzεgo atskaites profilu:
***Measure CPU performance using the classic queen problem solution on a 10x10 chessboard=CPU teljesitmeny merese a klasszikus "kiralyno problema" segitsegevel, 10x10-es sakktablan
***Measure CPU performance using several 2D image processing algorithms=CPU teljesitmeny merese tobbfele 2D kepfeldolgozo algoritmussal
***Measure CPU performance using ZLib file compression=CPU teljesitmeny merese ZLib fajltomoritessel
***Measure single precision floating point performance using Julia fractal=Egyszeres pontossagu lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese a Julia fraktal segitsegevel
***Measure double precision floating point performance using Mandelbrot fractal=Ketszeres pontossagu lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese a Mandelbrot fraktal segitsegevel
***Measure extended precision floating point performance using a custom Julia fractal=Kiterjesztett pontossagu lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese egy egyedi Julia fraktal segitsegevel
***Measure floating point performance using complex 2D image processing algorithms=Lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese komplex 2D kepfeldolgozo algoritmusok segitsegevel
Network audit statistics=Tεkla audita statistika
Network audit list (by computer)=Tεkla auditu saraksts (par datoru)
Network audit list (by component)=Tεkla auditu saraksts (par komponenti)
// tips
Problems & Suggestions=Problτmas un ieteikumi
This may cause performance penalty.=Tas var izraisεt sistτmas lietderεbas samazinΓ≡anos.
Disk free space is only %d%% on drive %s.=Uz diska %s brεva tikai %d%%.
No CPU L2 cache found.=Nav atrasta CPU L2 cache atmi≥a.
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=LielΓkΓ da∩a 3D-spτ∩u strΓdΓ labΓk ar nemazΓk kΓ 256 KB L2 cache atmi≥u.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=Priek≡ daudzΓm m√sdienu 3D spτlτm ir nepiecie≡ams CPU kΓ minimums ar 1 GHz darba frekvenci.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=Priek≡ darba Windows 9x, kΓ minimums ir nepiecie≡ams CPU ar darba frekvenci ne mazΓk kΓ 100 ╠Hz.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=Priek≡ darba Windows 2000+ kΓ minimums ir nepiecie≡ams CPU ar darba frekvenci ne mazΓk kΓ 300 GHz.
MMX is not supported.=MMX netiek atbalstεts.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE nav atbalstεts. Lai uzlabotu programmu Γtrdarbεbu, kuras ir optimizτtas priek≡ SSE, uzstΓdiet labΓku procesoru.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=AtklΓts mazΓk par trεs atmi≥as spraud≥iem, atmi≥as palielinΓ≡ana var sagΓdΓt problτmas.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=sistτmΓ ir uzstΓdεts mazΓk par 32 MB operatεvΓs atmi≥as.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=M√sdienεgΓm OS priek≡ normΓlas darbεbas nepiecie≡ama ne mazΓk kΓ 128 MB operatεvΓs atmi≥as.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=M√sdienεgΓm 3D spτlτm priek≡ normΓlas darbεbas nepiecie≡ams ne mazΓk kΓ 256 MB operatεvΓs atmi≥as.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Priek≡ normΓlas serveru funkciju darbεbas nepiecie≡ams ne mazΓk kΓ 256 MB operatεvΓs atmi≥as.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Lai palielinΓtu programmu darbεbas Γtrumu, uzstΓdiet vairΓk operatεvΓs atmi≥as.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=Sistτmas plates mikroshτmu komplekts nespτj ke≡ot visu operatεvo atmi≥u.
External cache is asynchronous.=┬rτjais ke≡s - asinhrons.
External cache is disabled.=┬rτjais ke≡s ir izslτgts.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Atrasta (FPM / EDO / BEDO) tipa atmi≥a. Pτc iespτjas aizvietojiet to ar SDRAM vai RDRAM.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=M√sdienu 3D spτlτm ir nepiecie≡ama ΓtrΓ (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM) tipa atmi≥a.
AGP is disabled.=AGP atslτgts.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP apert√res izmτrs ir lielΓks kΓ puse no operatεvΓs atmi≥as.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=Pa≡reizτjais AGP Γtrums ir mazΓks kΓ maksimΓli iespτjamais Γtrums.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistτmas BIOS ir vecΓks par diviem gadiem. Uzlabojiet ja ir nepiecie≡ams.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Video BIOS ir vecΓks par diviem gadiem. Uzlabojiet ja ir nepiecie≡ams.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=UzstΓdεts tikai viens procesors, vajag izmainεt HAL uz vienprocesoru.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=J√su sistτma ir piemτrota Windows 2000+. ApdomΓjiet iespτju par jaunu OS.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=J√su sistτma ir piemτrota Windows 98/Me. ApdomΓjiet iespτju par jaunu OS.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Sevisa paka ir novecojusi. Priek≡ darba ar Windows NT ieteicams uzstΓdεt servisa paku 5+.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows strΓdΓ vairΓt par 10 dienΓm. PΓrstartτ≡ana var palielinΓt lietderεbu.
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorers ir novecojis. Ieteicams uzstΓdεt versiju 5 vai jaunΓku.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=Nav atrasts DirectX. DirectX nepiecie≡ams m√sdienεgΓm programmΓm un spτlτm.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX ir novecojis. M√sdienεgΓm spτlτm nepiecie≡ams DirectX 7 vai labΓks.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=Atrasts mazΓk par 4 MB video atmi≥as. UzstΓdiet jaunΓku video karti labΓkai sistτmas veiktspτjai.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=M√sdienu 3D spτlτm nepiecie≡ama video atmi≥a nemazΓka par 32 MB.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Lai palielinΓtu vizuΓlo kvalitΓti, palieliniet krΓsu dzi∩umu.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Da■as programmas strΓdΓ labΓk 32-bitu krΓsu re■εmΓ.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Lielu fontu lieto≡ana var izraisεt problτmas programmΓs, kuras tam nav paredzτtas.
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic (CRT) displays.=Klasiskajiem (CRT) monitoriem ir ieteicams uzstΓdεt nemazΓk kΓ 85 Hz atsvaidzes intensitΓti.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=Lai uzlabotu tεkla darbεbas Γtrumu, ieslτdziet IP-header kompresiju.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nav atbalstεts 32-bitu renderings. Tas var b√t nepiecie≡ams 3D spτlτs.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Nav atbalstεts Z-buffer. Tas var b√t nepiecie≡ams 3D spτlτs.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nav atbalstεts 32-bitu Z-buffer. Tas var b√t nepiecie≡ams 3D spτlτs.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nav atbalstεta anizotropiskΓ filtrΓcija. Tas var b√t nepiecie≡ams 3D spτlτs.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nav atbalstεta paraugu buferizΓcija. Tas var b√t nepiecie≡ams 3D spτlτs.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Netiek atbalstεtas aparat√ras transformΓcijas un apgaismojums. Tas var b√t nepiecie≡ams 3D spτlτs.
// preferences
Long Pages=Garas lappuses
Security Grade=Dro≡εbas klasifikΓcija
New Item=Jauna ieraksts
Modify Item=Izmainεt ierakstu
Report Look=Atskaites izskats
Content Filtering=Satura filtrτ≡ana
Remote Features=AttΓlinΓtΓs iespτjas
Custom Components=LietotΓja komponentes
Asset Profile=Aktεvu profils
Custom Programs=LietotΓju programmas
File Scanner=Failu skaneris
***File Scanner Filter=Fajlkereso szuro
***Display EVEREST in the &Control Panel=Az EVEREST megjelenitese a &Vezerlopultban
Computer primary role:=Datora primΓrΓ loma:
&General=&Parasts dators
3&D Gaming=&3D spτles
&Full name:=Pilns &vΓrds:
&E-mail address:=&E-pata adrese:
&Load device driver under Win95/98/Me=&IelΓdτt ierεces draiveri zem Win95/98/ME
Lo&ad device driver under WinNT/2000/XP/2003=Ie&lΓdτt ierεces draiveri zem WinNT/2000/XP/2003
Low-level &MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=&Zema lεme≥a MSR operΓcijas (iespτjama sistτmas uzkΓr≡anΓs)
Low-level &PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Ze&ma lεme≥a PCI ma∞istrΓles operΓcijas (iespτjama sistτmas uzkΓr≡anΓs)
Low-level &SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Ze&ma lεme≥a SMBus operΓcijas (iespτjama sistτmas uzkΓr≡anΓs)
Low-level s&ensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Zema lεme≥a de&vτju operΓcijas (iespτjama sistτmas uzkΓr≡anΓs)
Low-level SMA&RT operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Zema lεme≥a SM&ART operΓcijas (iespτjama sistτmas uzkΓr≡anΓs)
Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=Sagaidiet testa beigas
During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=╨ajΓ laikΓ var likties ka dators ir uzkΓries
Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=Nekustiniet peli un nespiediet pogas
***Please note that results obtained with different versions of EVEREST cannot be compared=Vegye figyelembe, hogy az EVEREST kulonbozo verzioi altal mert eredmenyek nem hasonlithatoak ossze egymassal
***Lavalys constantly improve and optimize benchmark routines and implement new technologies to provide you with the most accurate and highest benchmark scores.=A Lavalys folyamatosan fejleszti es optimalizalja a sebessegmero rutinokat, hogy az EVEREST a leheto legmagasabb es legpontosabb benchmark eredmenyeket szolgaltassa.
Are you sure you want to uninstall=J√s patie≡Γm vτlaties atinstalτt
***Press Refresh button to start the benchmark=A sebessegmeres inditasahoz nyomja meg a Frissites gombot!
Database parameters are not configured yet=DatubΓzes parametri pagaidΓm nav nokonfigurτti
Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Ejiet uz Fails / UzstΓdεjumi / DatubΓze
Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=Vai J√s patie≡Γm vτlaties izvΓkt visus datorus no audita?
CPU Speed=CPU frekvence
CPU Multiplier=CPU reizinΓtΓjs
Min / Max CPU Multiplier=Min / Max CPU reizinΓtΓjs
CPU Cache=CPU ke≡atmi≥a
SPD Memory Modules=SPD atmi≥as modu∩i
Memory Bus=Atmi≥as kopne
Memory Clock=Atmi≥as takts frekvence
Connecting to FTP server=Pievieno≡anΓs FTP serverim
Clear List=Iztεrεt sarakstu
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=Vai J√s patie≡Γm vτlaties iztεrεt Internet Explorer cookie sarakstu?
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=Vai J√s patie≡Γm vτlaties iztεrεt Internet Explorer vτsturi?
Memory Timings=Atmi≥as piemτrota laika izvτlτ≡anΓs
North Bridge Properties=Zieme∩u tilta εpa≡εbas
North Bridge=Zieme∩u tilts
South Bridge Properties=Dienvidu tilta εpa≡εbas
South Bridge=Dienvidu tilts
Lavalys does not provide official support for this freeware product=Lavalys nenodro≡ina officiΓlu atbalstu ≡im bezmaksas produktam.
Max Link Width In / Out=MaksimΓlais saites platums In / Out
Utilized Link Width In / Out=Noslogotais saites platums In / Out
Max Link Frequency=MaksimΓla saites frekvence
Current Link Frequency=Pa≡reizτjΓ saites frekvence
Primary / Secondary Bus Number=PrimΓro / SekundΓro kop≥u skaits
You specified a command-line option that is unavailable in the NR (No Remote) edition of %s you are currently running=J√s esat norΓdεjis uz komandrindas opciju, kura nav pieejama NR (No Remote) %s pa≡reiz lietojamΓ versijΓ.
To use one or more of the following command-line options, please use the non-NR edition of %s=Lai ietotu vienu vai vairΓkas sekojo≡Γs komandrindas opcijas lietojiet l√dzu ne-NR %s versiju.
File Properties=Faila εpa≡εbas
File properties logged by the File Scanner:=Failu skenera re∞istrτtΓs faila εpa≡εbas:
Active Mode=Aktεvais re■εms
EVEREST Home Edition is intended to be used only in home environment.=EVEREST Home Edition ir paredzτts tikai mΓjas lieto≡anai.
This computer is a member of a network domain (%s), which is not supported by EVEREST Home Edition.=╨is dators ir domτnΓ (%s) loceklis, kur≡ netiek atbalstεts EVEREST Home Edition.
Please use EVEREST Corporate Edition instead of Home Edition in a corporate environment.=Korporatεvajos tεklos l√dzu lietojiet EVEREST Corporate Edition nevis Home Edition.
This page is outdated! Press 'Refresh' button to update it=╨ε lapa ir novecojusi! Nospiediet "Atjaunot" pogu lai atjaunotu to!
// alerting
EVEREST Alert=EVEREST brεdinΓjums
Alert Methods=BrεdinΓjumu metodes
Alert Trigger=BrεdinΓjuma izraisε≡ana
Alert Triggers=BrεdinΓjuma izraisε≡anas
Alert Description=BrεdinΓjuma apraksts
&Number of minutes between checking for alerts:=&Min√≡u skaits starp brεfinΓjumu pΓrbaudτm:
N&umber of hours between sending repetitive alerts:=&Stundu skaits starp atkΓrtotu brεdinΓjumu s√tε≡anu:
Display an alert &window=&RΓdεt brεdinΓjuma logu
Send an &e-mail to:=&S√tεt e-pastu uz:
Send an entry to a log &server:=S√tεt &ierakstu uz ■urnΓlserveri:
Send a Windows &message to:=S√tεt &Windows pazi≥ojumu uz:
Write to a &TXT log file:=Rakstεt &TXT ■urnΓlfailΓ:
Write to a &HTML log file:=Rakstεt &HTML ■urnΓlfailΓ::
Note: Don't forget to configure e-mail sending options on the E-mail page!=Piezεme: Neaizmirstiet iestatεt e-pasta parametrus e-pasta lapΓ!
Select Log File=Izvτlieties ■urnΓlfailu
Trigger Description=Spr√da apraksts
When virus database is older than=Kad vεrusu datubΓze ir vacΓka par
When system drive free space is below=Kad sistτmas dzi≥a brεvΓ vieta ir mazΓka par
Ign&ore all inputs (view only)=Ignorτt &visas ievades (tikai skatεties)
No dithering=Bez tonτ≡anas
8-bit (256 colors)=8 biti (256 krΓsas)
16-bit (HiColor)=16 biti (HiColor)
24-bit (TrueColor)=24 biti (TrueColor)
32-bit (TrueColor)=32 biti (TrueColor)
Leave unchanged=AtstΓts neizmainεtu
Disable during connection=Atspτjot savienojuma laikΓ
Remove during connection=Iz≥emt savienojuma laikΓ
***Use dithering to save network bandwidth=Szinmelyseg csokkentessel a halozati savszelesseg hasznalat csokkentheto
***Disable UI effects to improve remote control performance and responsiveness=Felhasznaloi felulet hatasok letiltasaval javithato a tavvezerles sebessege es reakcioideje
***Remove desktop wallpaper to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Az asztal tapeta eltavolitasaval javithat a tavvezerles teljesitmenyen, es a halozati savszelessegen is sporolhat
***Use a lower desktop resolution to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Alacsonyabb asztal felbontas hasznalataval javithat a tavvezerles teljesitmenyen, es a halozati savszelessegen is sporolhat
***Use a lower desktop color depth to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Alacsonyabb asztal szinmelyseg hasznalataval javithat a tavvezerles teljesitmenyen, es a halozati savszelessegen is sporolhat
// Benchmark results save & compare
***%d results=%d eredmeny
***Benchmark Result=Sebessegmeres eredmenye
***Please enter benchmark result description:=Adja meg a sebessegmeres eredmenyenek leirasat: